Website COGTA Mpumalanga
The Mpumalanga Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs invites qualified candidates to apply for the post of Assistant Director: Traditional Land Administration.
- Directorate : Rural Development Facilitation and Traditional Land Administration
- Post : Assistant Director: Traditional Land Administration
- Salary: R477 090 per annum
- Salary Level: 10
- Ref: AD/TLA/COGTA/18
- Station : Head Office
- Closing Date: 14 October 2022
Key Responsibilities:
- Manage the demarcation registration and provision of land rights in traditional areas.
- Manage the settlement of land disputes.
- Provide support in the development on the land use management plans in Traditional Councils.
- A Senior Certificate and a National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Public Management / Administration or equivalent qualification.
- A minimum of 3 years experience in Traditional Leadership field.
- Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations.
- Computer literacy and a valid driver’s license.
Directions to Applicants:
Applicants must be submitted on a prescribed New Z83 application form fully completed, obtainable from any Public Service department. Applications must be accompanied by a recently updated comprehensive CV.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a copy of their ID document, a valid driver’s license (if specified as a job requirement), as well as the relevant highest educational qualifications, on or before the day of the interview.
Applicants are discouraged from sending application through registered mail because the Department will not be responsible for non-collection of these applications. No late applications will be accepted.
All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personal suitability checks on criminal records, citizenship verification, financial records, employment references and qualification verification.
If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. It is the Applicant’s 18 responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will be expected to enter into employment contract and sign a performance agreement with the Department.
How to Apply:
Applications must be posted to: The Director: Human Resource Management, Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag x 11304, Mbombela.
Hand delivered to: Rhino Building extension 2 No.7 Government Boulevard, Riverside Park, Mbombela 1200.
For enquiries, contact: Mr IPM Moukangwe (013 766 6221) and Mr PP Mokwena (013 766 6225)
The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and preference will be given to the suitable qualified candidates from designated groups in terms of Employment Equity Act.