Elangeni TVET College
SALARY : R491 403 per annum (Level 10)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Recognized Three-year National Diploma (NQF Level 6)/Degree in Office Management and Technology, NQF 6 Diploma in ODETDP or related qualification. 3-5 years’ experience in relevant field. Must have 2 years’ supervisory experience, Knowledge of PSET and CET Act. Knowledge of Skills Development Act, Public Service Regulations and Public Service Act, Labour Relations Act. Knowledge of the Public TVET sector and its regulatory and legislative framework. Knowledge of the Ethical regulatory and legislative framework. Knowledge and understanding of the Higher Education sector. Must have valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : To plan for implementation of learner ships and short skills programmes. To manage all administration of the programs that are currently running. To monitor progress of the programmes and do site visits where necessary. To establish more partnerships with public and private sector to get more funding for learner ships and short skills programme. To establish partnerships for work placements of learners who are doing learner ships to be able to do their practical’s. To sustain partnership that are already in existence with the College. To apply for accreditation for programme with all Seta’s as per the need of the industry and the need of the communities that we are serving as the College. To align our application for accreditation with Skills Audits of both Municipalities.
ENQUIRES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date, following communication from HR. Incomplete and unsigned application will not be considered. The filling of the post will be done in terms of Department approved Employment Equity Plan. The ETVET is committed to providing equal opportunities and practicing affirmative action employment. The college reserve the right not to make any appointment. It is our intention to promote representatively: race, gender, and disability in the department through the filling of post and candidate whose appointment, will promote representatively will receive preference. Correspondence will be limited subjected to shortlisted candidates only. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification. Applicants who have not been contacted within eight weeks of the closing date of advertisement should accept that their applications were unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 13H00
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Recognised National Diploma (NQF6) in Labour Relations, Employment Relations and Human Resource Management or related qualification. 3–5 years’ experience in Labour Relations or Human Resource Management environment or related field. Must have 2 years’ supervisory experience, Knowledge of Labour Relations Act, Public Service legislations and policies related to Human Resource Management. Advanced experience in interpretation, development and implementation of policies; Sound knowledge of Labour Relations statues. Sound knowledge of International Labour Organisation (ILO). Knowledge and understanding of the TVET/CET Administration. Knowledge and understanding of the Higher Education sector. Knowledge of PERSAL. Must have a valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Maintain sound Labour Relations Render advice on labour related matters, Develop and implement Human Resource policies and manuals, ensure proper implementation of disciplinary procedures, grievance procedures and code of conduct, Conduct investigations and disciplinary hearings, Management of strike action, Minimize Labour disputes, Facilitate and conduct labour relations training and workshops, Ensure proper implementation of the collective bargaining council resolutions, Management of all Human, Financial and other resources of the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date, following communication from HR. Incomplete and unsigned application will not be considered. The filling of the post will be done in terms of Department approved Employment Equity Plan. The ETVET is committed to providing equal opportunities and practicing affirmative action employment. The college reserve the right not to make any appointment. It is our intention to promote representatively: race, gender, and disability in the department through the filling of post and candidate whose appointment, will promote representatively will receive preference. Correspondence will be limited subjected to shortlisted candidates only. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification. Applicants who have not been contacted within eight weeks of the closing date of advertisement should accept that their applications were unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 13H00
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Recognised National Diploma in (NQF6) in Financial Management or related Qualification. 3–5 years’ experience in student support administration/Teaching and Learning environment or related field. Must have 2 years’ supervisory experience, Knowledge of PSET and CET Act. Knowledge and understanding of PFMA. Knowledge and understanding of Treasurer Regulations. Knowledge of Skills Development Act, Public Service Regulations and Public Service Act, Labour Relations Act. Knowledge of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and related legislation. Knowledge and financial managements systems.
DUTIES : Managing and monitoring of the budget cycle; Coordinate, manage and evaluate inputs from programmes and consolidate into a database; Coordinate meetings with line function managers to assist with finalisation of budget inputs; Ensure that National Treasury guidelines are adhered to; Timeous submission of the database and chapter to National Treasury; Assist line function to compile drawings and ensure alignment to operational plans; Managing and monitoring of the Annual Financial Statements; Ensure correct allocation of expenditure and update expenditure reports after year end closure for use of Appropriation statement; Managing and monitoring of the financial reporting to National Treasury; Review in year monitoring database on a monthly basis to be submitted to National Treasury; Update expenditure reports on a monthly basis and ensure that it balancing to BAS; Managing and monitoring of the budget on BAS.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date, following communication from HR. Incomplete and unsigned application will not be considered. The filling of the post will be done in terms of Department approved Employment Equity Plan. The ETVET is committed to providing equal opportunities and practicing affirmative action employment. The college reserve the right not to make any appointment. It is our intention to promote representatively: race, gender, and disability in the department through the filling of post and candidate whose appointment, will promote representatively will receive preference. Correspondence will be limited subjected to shortlisted candidates only. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification. Applicants who have not been contacted within eight weeks of the closing date of advertisement should accept that their applications were unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 13H0
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : Elangeni TVET College, Central Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate National Diploma NQF 6 in Internal Audit or related qualification.3-5 years’ experience in Internal Audit. Experience in the development of policies/implementation strategies. Knowledge of the relevant prescripts, legislation and regulations. Knowledge and understanding of the Internal Audit environment. Must have a valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : The preparation and execution of the internal audit plan. Conduct pre-engagement meetings with College management prior to commencement of the audits. Obtain College managements approval of the audit scope prior to commencements of the internal audits. Planning and drafting of detailed audit procedures for audits per the approved annual audit plan. Executing and performing of audit testing per the annual audit plan. Establish a quality audit risk management function and monitor assessments to ensure compliance with formal systems. Conduct schedules and reactive audits and inspections and produce reports on all audits, inspections and incidents. The provision of secretarial support services to the audit committee Conduct research on best practices and application of standards. Distribution and collection of audit client’s surveys for services rendered. Ensure that legislation and acts are implemented correctly in the college. Ensure that all audit findings are supported by the required audit evidence. Ensure that processes needed for quality management systems are established, implemented and maintained Develop quality management system policies and procedures for the college. Report to college management on the performance of the QMS and the need for improvement. Ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the college. Provide information and reports to the executive and committees to make final decisions. Liaise with external assessment body on all matters related to the external accreditation process. Ensure that all suppliers used by the college are selected, re-evaluated and that records of this assessment are maintained. Management of staff development Render management service to the staff. Ensure completion of performance agreements by all employees in the unit; Supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date, following communication from HR. Incomplete and unsigned application will not be considered. The filling of the post will be done in terms of Department approved Employment Equity Plan. The ETVET is committed to providing equal opportunities and practicing affirmative action employment. The college reserve the right not to make any appointment. It is our intention to promote representatively: race, gender, and disability in the department through the filling of post and candidate whose appointment, will promote representatively will receive preference. Correspondence will be limited subjected to shortlisted candidates only. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification. Applicants who have not been contacted within eight weeks of the closing date of advertisement should accept that their applications were unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 13H00