Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Directorate: Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (Plas) Trading Financial Management
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting / Commerce / Financial Management / Accounting. Minimum of 1-year relevant experience in a management accounting environment. Job related knowledge: Treasury or Financial Regulations or Public Finance Act. Basic Accounting System (BAS). Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). Personal Finance South Africa (PFSA). Job related skills: Reporting skills, Planning and organising skills, Computer literacy, Communication skills (verbal and written) and Analytical skills.
DUTIES : Coordinate the development of the Trading Account and Chief Directorate budget: Assist in compiling budget for Agricultural Land Holding Account (ALHA) during the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) / Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure (AENE) budget process by gathering information, consolidating and analysing Provincial budget inputs. Compile and submit consolidated Provincial report that clearly shows omissions, miscalculations and any exceptions identified during the analysis. Gather, coordinate, analyse and consolidate budget inputs for the Chief Directorate: PLAS budget during MTEF / AENE budget process. Consolidate inputs to the departmental database and submit for review together with approval memos containing summary of the budget per classification Compensation of Employees, Goods and Services as well as consolidated. Coordinate the capturing and subsequent alignment of the Demand Management Plans to the approved budget. Ensure sign off of the Demand Management Plans per responsibility. Coordinate and consolidate annual projections and quarterly cash requests and submit for review. Load approved budget on A Complete and Comprehensive Program for Accounting Control (ACCPAC) system and ensure it reconciles to approved budget. Monitor Budget performance and reporting. Compile financial performance reports for the Trading Entity and Chief Directorate and submit to all relevant stakeholders. Ensure that misallocations are cleared on regular basis. Ensure that all reports relating to expenditure and travel for the Chief Directorate is updated and signed off on a monthly basis. Prepare quarterly revision of the budget and coordinate the re-alignment. Compile and submit quarterly cash request from the Department. Compile financial and treasury reports. Compile and submit in year management (IYM) report monthly for review. Obtain quarterly budget and expenditure report, financial statements for the quarter as well as land redistribution (LRD) performance report for the quarter in order to capture the Quarterly Entity Report to Treasury on the prescribed template. Submit completed template with all annexures and approval memos for review. Gather information on commitments, accruals and draft financial statements in preparation for annual declaration of surplus before sending it for review and analysis. Review and submit ad-hoc budget and expenditure reports as required. Keep accurate and complete projects and accounting information. Receive and record all project registration forms submitted and check for compliance. Check for duplicates before registering on the system. Send confirmations of registered projects to Provinces. Ensure that the report is requested on PJC and sent to assets section on a monthly basis for them to reconcile the asset register and PJC. Attend to queries issued where applicable. Keep accurate and complete record of all project registration documents. Keep accurate and complete record of all budget and expenditure information. Ensure that all information is updated on a regular basis and regular backups are performed to prevent loss of data.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Lesele Tel No: (012) 312-8114
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.