Office of the Public Service Commission
The Office of the Public Service Commission is an equal opportunity, representative employer. It is the intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Public Service through the filling of positions. Candidates whose appointment/transfer/promotion will promote representativeness will therefore receive preference. Persons with disability are especially encouraged to apply. An indication of representativeness profile by applicants will expedite the processing of applications.
APPLICATIONS : Forward your application, stating the relevant reference number to: The Director-General, Office of the Public Service Commission, Private Bag X121, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver at Commission House, Office Park Block B, 536 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, for attention Mr M Mabuza or you can email your application to recruitment@opsc.gov.za
CLOSING DATE : 09 December 2022, 15h45
NOTES : Applications must consist of: Only a fully completed and signed Z83 form (which can be downloaded at www.dpsa.gov.za-vacancies) and a recent comprehensive CV with contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must be indicated. Only shortlisted candidates’ will be required to bring certified copies of ID, license and qualification on or before the interviews. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will be required to obtain a top secret clearance issued by the State Security Agency. The OPSC will verify the qualifications and conduct reference checking on short-listed candidates. Candidates will be subjected to Practical Assessment to determine their suitability for the post. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Please take note that late applications will not be accepted. All shortlisted candidates for SMS post will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test the relevant technical elements of the job, logistics of which will be communicated by the office of the Public Service Commission. Following the interview and technical exercise, the Selection Committee will recommend a candidate to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directives on the competency based assessments). The competency will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. A pre-entry certificate obtained from the National School of Government (NSG) is required for all SMS applications. Applicants are advised that the old Z83 which was valid until 31 December 2020 will not be accepted. Should an individual wish to apply for a post, he/she will be required to submit the new application for employment (Z83) form which became effective on 1 January 2021 and can be downloaded at www.dpsa.gov.za-vacancies. From 1 January 2021 should an application be received using incorrect applications for employment (Z83) form, it will not be considered.
SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum, (all inclusive remuneration package). The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement within three months after assumption of duty
CENTRE : Public Service Commission House, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Ideal candidate’s profile: The successful candidate must have an appropriate SAQA recognized Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification (NQF level 7) in the field of Public Management, Public Administration or relevant Social Sciences. A relevant post graduate qualification will be an added advantage. 5 years’ relevant experience in a Middle/Senior Management post. Minimum 10 years of leading and conducting research on public administration. Proven and strong research capability and research supervision skills. Conceptual ability to design and implement research projects. An experienced innovative evaluator/policy analyst/researcher, preferably specialising in the organisation and administration, governance and management of government institutions, service delivery models and processes, and service delivery performance of the public service underpinned by the nine principles in section 195 of the Constitution. Strong understanding of the Constitution and the intersections between rights, values and principles as they relate to public administration. Knowledge and experience in the application of the provisions of the relevant legislation and regulations that govern the structures and functions of the Public Service. Strong evaluation, research and research supervision skills. Excellent project management and problem solving abilities. Systems thinking skills. Exceptional understanding of the policy environment and challenges within which Public Service delivery takes place. Excellent communication (written and verbal) skills. Excellent conceptual and contextualisation skills. Financial and Budget Management skills. Good people management skills and the ability to work with and across teams. Good liaison skills and the ability to manage relations with different stakeholders across functions and levels. Sufficient computer skills in Microsoft Office Suite e.g. Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Strategic understanding and knowledge tenets and application of the Constitutional Values and Principles (CVPs) as contained in Section 195 in the Public Service. An understanding of how current public administration management and operational processes comply or do not comply, with the CVPs. A Valid Driver’s License (with exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for: Management and/or solo completion of evaluation research projects on the impact of service delivery models/programmes/systems of various departments/sectors on service delivery improvement. Drafting project proposals including costing for the implementation of projects, and resource management. Drafting of conceptual and/or briefing notes for Commissioners for different fora. Management of human and financial resources of the Directorate. Provide leadership to transversal teams on the determination (evaluation) of the effectiveness and efficiency of different government programmes and service delivery models. Support the management of MoUs with relevant stakeholders. Support the promotion of the constitutional values and principles through the development of required presentations, speeches and articles.