Department of Forestry Fisheries and the Environment Vacancies November 2022: Check Posts, Qualifications and How to Apply

Applications must be submitted on a New signed Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department accompanied by a recent detailed Curriculum Vitae only, to be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, Senior Certificate, identity document and driver’s license on or before the day of the interview.

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Department of Employment and Labour Vacancies November 2022: Check Posts, Qualifications and How to Apply

It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post with a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.

Continue Reading Department of Employment and Labour Vacancies November 2022: Check Posts, Qualifications and How to Apply